Labels:daily | earth | fence | grass | reckoner | sky OCR: tie Pope derS HO Service England an d, services retum fer serice lered But properl refused. being denied the tilbute el30 may pay tibute, and the King England is ove crd cannot paqaara cver lerd theecc property overlord in England. If the Pope England which cannct be allowed. But if would be param cunt eve che-third ghtto paying tibute heholds the King itis hevhe his assoluticn and fer spiritual Pope Innocent made King Jchn and every cne is entitled to repu diate ministraticn -which wa3 flat immcral contract John. as a lcrd gives his vassal he gave6 If Pope Yeally gave Englandt 38Me ciple might 3qu ander th aridiculcusly sm all tee We cught +- make stand Ch ce Christen +ae VE ois mcrtal toteita his dominicn theologians that quite Pope lialle beins tiaut overlcod esiastical Flich caunot Kin ...